Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How To Make Sure Your US Passport Photos Pass first Time

By David Hawkin

Nobody likes having their passport photos taken. However you needn't worry the following tips will guide you through the minefield of special requirements. Passport dimensions can vary from country to country, here are the measurements of US style Passport pictures.

You will require two identical pictures that will need to be submitted with your passport application form.

Passport photos have to be printed on special photo-quality paper.

Your Passport pictures must be printed in colour.

Only passport pictures taken within the last 6 months are acceptable.

The passport pictures must be 50mm x 50mm to qualify for a US passport application.

You should be able to see an unobstructed view of your face. It is best if you wear day to day clothing without baseball cap, hat or sunglasses. The picture must be taken against a solid white or grey background. Your pose should be neutral making sure your mouth is closed looking forward with eyes wide open. The resulting picture should be in focus or it will not be allowed.

Your head must be in the middle of the photograph and make up at least fifty percent of the picture. The measurements of your head should be within 1" and 1 3/8" from the top of your crown to the bottom of your chin.

A headdress or head-covering may be worn on religious grounds however it must not conceal, disguise, block or shade any portion of your face.

Glasses may be worn but you should be able to see your eyes in the photograph it is not acceptable to have any flash or flare from your spectacles.

If for medical reasons you wear tinted spectacles then you will be allowed to have them on in your pictures. It is possible however that you will be required to provide written proof from your Dr if asked.

You can have your passport picture taken in uniform if you wear it every day for religious purposes.

Having passport pictures taken of infants and young children can be difficult. It is advised that you visit a professional photographer. Parents or guardians must not feature in the pictures neither should any mechanical device supporting their pose.

You may not copy or scan pictures from driving licenses or official ID they will be rejected. Furthermore your pictures should not be photo-shopped, retouched or airbrushed to modify or improve your appearance in any way.

Copying your photo from a magazine or book is not allowed. Pictures taken at a photo booth will generally not comply with the requirements. A regular holiday snap from your photo album will not be acceptable.

It is possible to use your own digital camera at home to take your photos if it is of a high enough quality. The camera must be able to take pictures at a resolution of 1 million pixels or more. However when printing your passport photos you should go to a professional lab as most home printers cannot produce a satisfactory result.

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