Friday, October 12, 2012

Bye Bye, Red Eye: Photography Tips To Develop Your Skills

By Augustus Mays

Photography can be a fun and rewarding hobby or even a fairly lucrative profession. Anyone with a good eye and a creative mindset can learn to become a photographer with a bit of work. Use the advice in this article to help you get started on your path to artistry.

Invest in a softbox or flash diffuser. Traditional, built-in camera flashes often result in very harsh photos, where the light colors are too bright, and the shadows too dark. If you cannot afford to purchase a softbox, which provides softer lighting, attach a diffuser to your flash. This disperses the light and softens the photo.

When taking photos of someone or something smaller than an automobile, get closer. Ideally, you want your subject to fill most of the frame. These close-up shots can capture little details like freckles, dimples, a nose wrinkle, or other endearing features that may be lost in shots captured from further away.

To get clearer pictures, get a tripod. If you plan on taking nature photography or still pictures that require for you to wait for photo opportunities, a tripod will help you get better pictures by eliminating any movement of the camera. A tripod will help hold the camera still and provide a sharp shot.

Make sure your photos tell a story by leading the viewer's eyes around the frame. Do not simply snap a photo of a scene and expect others to see in it what you did. Try to frame the picture in a way that cuts out clutter and focuses on your subject while still giving a sense of the surroundings for context.

Use a plain background so that it won't take attention away from your subject. A cluttered background will distract attention away from what you are really trying to take a picture of. If you are taking pictures outdoors, make sure there are no trees in the background that will look like they are coming out of the subject's head.

To get a great photograph, make sure you notice the surrounding objects when framing the shot. Too many times there are distracting, unwanted elements like trash, telephone wires or even your fingertip intruding into the shot. Frame the photo so your subject and a non-distracting background are the only elements in view.

A good photography tip is to not underestimate knowing the fundamentals. If you want to break the rules, you should at least know them first. Without knowing the fundamentals you're doing yourself and your work a great disservice. You can learn about photography simply by searching the internet.

Photography can be a hobby, a profession or a form of artistic expression. You don't need any special skills to become a photographer, just a passion for the media and a willingness to learn. With the advice given in this article, you should be well on your way to excelling at this great activity.

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