Friday, March 16, 2012

How To Build A Better Photography Portfolio

By Beatrix Deville

You have a very nice camera and some pretty decent equipment to go along with it. You can take a good picture but somehow, your images never come out looking like professional shots. This photography-related article will go into detail on how you can get the most out of your camera.

Take different types of pictures so that they don't all look the same. Take some from a vertical position. This works very well if you are taking a picture of something tall like a staircase or a tree. It will change the look of your photos so other people will enjoy looking at them more.

Improve your photography by paying attention to the light. Lighting should usually be behind the photographer rather than the subject. A subject being backlit will create a silhouette. Be careful when the light is behind the photographer though, if it is too bright it might cause the subject to squint.

When taking action and sports shots, always include a point of reference. The action will lose significance if it is not shown in context. For example, a person snowboarding will appear much more impressive if you include an enormous bank of snow in the photograph, or if you show the ground far beneath him as he flies through the air.

If you are looking to improve as a photographer, you should begin to shoot anything and everything. Of course, you'll want permission before you snap a shot of your significant other, climbing out of bed in the morning, but you should be out shooting everything to practice with lighting, angles, coverage and other areas of importance.

When working around subjects that are moving a lot or are totally in action, you need to focus on capturing the moments by keeping your trigger down. These kinds of moments can not be recreated and there are no do-overs. Keep your eye on the areas at all times and keep shooting.

Make use of negative space in your composition. Negative space is the area in your photos that does not contain your subject. Used correctly, large amounts of negative space can create interesting photographs. You also need to consider the effects of negative space when framing a photograph to get the best results.

Photography can be a hobby, a profession or a form of artistic expression. You don't need any special skills to become a photographer, just a passion for the media and a willingness to learn. With the advice given in this article, you should be well on your way to excelling at this great activity.

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