Managed to pick it out with a fine wire and it is still working OK. Not a good design. This is by far one of the toughest little cameras I have ever seen. I recommend it and to those of you who have had issues with yours, consider sending them back for a replacement.
The flash overexposes every picture and the ones that are exposed correctly the color is way off. If I was using this purely for snorkeling it would be great but I need something that looks good above the water as well.
I bought this camera in preparation for a cruise to the Caribbean. It was great to have a waterproof camera to take through rainforests, waterfalls, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming with turtles, etc. I was super excited to get this camera because I had done so much research and comparison shopping beforehand...I even tried it at the local Best Buy and it seemed at the time to be a great buy, and to top it off, I saved over $100 by purchasing it on Amazon! However, I have now tested it in several situations/environments with the exception of underwater, and I'm seriously disappointed in the functionality of the camera as well as the quality of the pictures that are coming out.
It is easy to carry around everywhere and comes in great colors. I would recommend this camera to everyone! Easy to carry, water proof to swimming depth, shock proof from kids height. A High quality camera that is easy to use, easy to carry around kids to get the once in a childhood shots I have only had the Tough 6020 for a few days.
This camera has proved waterproof in the ocean, freeze proof on a glacier-filled mountain, just wish it was sand/dustproof for the beach. I would recommend this camera to any of my friends who want a durable, small, outdoorsy camera. This camera has got to be the most unintuitive point and shoot I've ever seen or used. I don't even care about the image quality, even if it were outstanding, the interface and poor design would steer me away. It cannot be dropped, but I don't feel like throwing it either! I recently got this camera as a gift and it is alright. The 3000 had no lens protection, so it was inevitably getting dirt, dust, sand and water on the lens which really messes up your pictures. This camera fixed that with a lens cover that shoots over the lens when you turn the camera off; it feels sturdy and keeps the grime out. So far we love that camera. Better build quality, better picture quality, and better user interface.
I have taken many pictures and have loaded them in my computer. I couldn't be happier with my new camera!
We wanted a camera that we didn't have to worry about taking it to the beach or skiing. I read the manual, got it set for my daughter to take pictures right away. This camera was for that trip, the beach and the pool. Unfortunately we took some pictures this summer in the pool.
The flash overexposes every picture and the ones that are exposed correctly the color is way off. If I was using this purely for snorkeling it would be great but I need something that looks good above the water as well.
I bought this camera in preparation for a cruise to the Caribbean. It was great to have a waterproof camera to take through rainforests, waterfalls, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming with turtles, etc. I was super excited to get this camera because I had done so much research and comparison shopping beforehand...I even tried it at the local Best Buy and it seemed at the time to be a great buy, and to top it off, I saved over $100 by purchasing it on Amazon! However, I have now tested it in several situations/environments with the exception of underwater, and I'm seriously disappointed in the functionality of the camera as well as the quality of the pictures that are coming out.
It is easy to carry around everywhere and comes in great colors. I would recommend this camera to everyone! Easy to carry, water proof to swimming depth, shock proof from kids height. A High quality camera that is easy to use, easy to carry around kids to get the once in a childhood shots I have only had the Tough 6020 for a few days.
This camera has proved waterproof in the ocean, freeze proof on a glacier-filled mountain, just wish it was sand/dustproof for the beach. I would recommend this camera to any of my friends who want a durable, small, outdoorsy camera. This camera has got to be the most unintuitive point and shoot I've ever seen or used. I don't even care about the image quality, even if it were outstanding, the interface and poor design would steer me away. It cannot be dropped, but I don't feel like throwing it either! I recently got this camera as a gift and it is alright. The 3000 had no lens protection, so it was inevitably getting dirt, dust, sand and water on the lens which really messes up your pictures. This camera fixed that with a lens cover that shoots over the lens when you turn the camera off; it feels sturdy and keeps the grime out. So far we love that camera. Better build quality, better picture quality, and better user interface.
I have taken many pictures and have loaded them in my computer. I couldn't be happier with my new camera!
We wanted a camera that we didn't have to worry about taking it to the beach or skiing. I read the manual, got it set for my daughter to take pictures right away. This camera was for that trip, the beach and the pool. Unfortunately we took some pictures this summer in the pool.
About the Author:
With my other cameras I would never have use the software that came with it, but on this one I will. SENSITIVE STOMACH DOG FOOD.
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